Tuesday, February 1, 2011

you sparkle, you really do
You. I'm so glad I have you as a friend. You make everything ok again. You really do make me smile. I don't know what I'd do without you. I mean, you're always there when I need you the most. It's not easy talking about some of the things I'm dealing with, but I truly appreciate when you're there to listen. I feel like I can tell you anything. It's almost like you understand everything that's going on around me. My apologizes for being so weak and always breaking down. It cannot be helped sometimes, I'm just delighted to have a friend like you. I hope you know that whenever you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you as well, always. You're amazing, you know that? And I'm not saying this to be nice, I'm saying this sincerely from the bottom of my heart. Seriously, i love you!
thanks for everything
It really puts life into perspective when you have a near-death experience. It gives you a sense of feeling that you're in a bad dream and that you just want to wake up. Heart beating rapidly. Fingers numb from the cold. You just want it to stop, but it won't. It already happened. There's a thin strand between life and death. It terrifies me to think that life could have ended in an instant. Thankfully, it wasn't the time yet. But what if it was? It makes me wonder...are there things left unsaid? Who would even care? Would it really matter if I no longer existed?

It could have been more fatal. But why is the world I know twisting and turning one after the other? Too many unfortunate events happening all at once. What am I suppose to do?
It's funny how you think you know someone, when really, they are completely different than what you expect. After all this time, I just assume people would be totally honest with me. That doesn't seem to be the case. It crushed me to pieces when I found about you. It broke my heart, not gonna lie. Like shattered glass. That's what I feel like. It makes me wonder, that if you, the one that I have become close with, the one who makes me comfortable, the one who I thought would never deceive me, the one who I have fallen hard for..would keep this from me, then what about the other people? The ones who I decide to let in and trust. That's the thing about me, I let people in too fast. I trust people too easily. That's how it leads to me always getting hurt in the end.