Thursday, January 22, 2009

people are like puzzles. you won't really get to know one unless you put the pieces together and even then there's still a lot more you still dont know. what if there was a missing piece, then the puzzle is left incomplete. Don't you hate it the feeling of being incomplete, incompetent, or even unimportant? well that's how i feel some days, today just happens to be one of those days..

sa tatay ko:

you make me full of so many emotions, do i really care anymore? because i dont. then why does it always get to me? i can't always fight the tears that fall on my face. Maybe i'm just so stupid that i cannot just let it go. man, i'm sucha mess because of you! you make me feel useless and an idoit! FUCK! there's no words to emphasize how much i HATE you. sometimes i could let it go. But sometimes it just gets too far and i can't hold it in any longer! the feeling you make me feel, it makes me want to punch through glass, crunch it up in my fingers and throw it at your fucking face. Because I can't look at you or listen to your damn words anymore. Looking at you makes me mad, sad, and disappointed. And Hearing your fucking voice makes me want to break something. i fucking hate the way you make me feel! I fucking hate the way you talk me down! & I fucking hate the way you are! I've had enough of it. Always telling me to do this, and do that! Do you ever do ANYTHING yourself? because it sure doesn't look like it. You're just a mean bossy fucker! I dont give a shit. The way you talk you act so superior! Well guess what, you're nothing than a low life desperate loser who depends on others to help you.

You tell us to support because of everything that's been happening, well we did that and why don't you do your part as well? you never appreciated what we did, and i just dont fucking care anymore.

sometimes i wonder what happened to those kno the days when everything is alright. it makes me feel like it was all a dream, just a dream, shattered into a million pieces.

i been praying that you would change. but you never do, so now i'm kinda losing hope. That's when i start to ignore it and just let it be. i start to wonder if you ever care anymore, because it seems like you're just throwing it all away like it didnt matter anymore. we didn't matter, no one mattered.

This is me: You always make me feel so low that i hide in my room, crying my eyes out. i put my music on high so i could hear nothing else! It's just me here. alone, but in a good way. & thats just the way i like it. get away from everything!

someone told me that you're not alone. and that's good to know that there's someone out there who gets me and that im not totally alone. he also told me, that even though the person won't change, all we can do is learn from it, learn from their mistakes and not to go down the same path. it makes me feel better i guess. so thanks to you, you know who you are :)

there are still so many things left unsaid.

"Life's too short, to fight, to be let the bitter ones change how awesome you are" - Peyton Sawyer, One Tree Hill


  1. this made me cry :(:(

    and WOO PEYTON. so me /fine.

    but awww :(:(:(:(:(:(

  2. aww noo dont cry!

    i thought this quote suited this entry! :)
