Thursday, December 4, 2014

Things don't always go the way you plan. There are a lot of twists and turns in life and sometimes life just takes you on a different course. It's not suppose to be this way. I thought to myself on way too many occasion. Setbacks happen. Over time, I got used to the fact that you don't always get what you want. Because that's just the way life is. I always thought it was unfair because everything bad seem to always happen to me. I just cannot get a break. Life seems to throw many curve-balls at me, and all those balls are rocks. I just can't get anything right. I got over it.

Throughout the years, I learned to accept what life threw at me. I have gained a more optimistic view. I had a more positive outlook. Of course the positivity and optimism did not come naturally to me. Putting on a positive stance needed a giant push. With his help, I got the push I needed every time. With that, I have a clear view of what's ahead of me.  I still need that push every now and then. Even with knowing that nothing good comes from being a negative nancy, I still manage to stoop low and keep making the same mistakes. Keeping my head high had proved to require much strength. With all that has happened to me, I pull through and get the strength I need.

I know that I'm still going to fall down countless times over and over again. There's just no stopping it. Whenever I do, he's always gonna be there, holding up his hand and I'll get up each and every time. I made a promise to myself (and him) that I will keep going. It does not matter how I get there. In the end, I'll get to where ever I'm suppose to be.

"Don't look back. You're not going that way." - Things we forget